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How to Set Up Counters

5 min readLast updated: Oct 11, 2024

Setting up counters with Kick Bot is a straightforward process. Follow this step-by-step guide to get started:

  1. Invite the bot (if you haven't already): Click here to invite Kick Bot
  2. Get the streamer's link or name:
    • Go to and find the streamer you want to add as a counter.
    • Copy the streamer's link (e.g., "") or just their name (e.g., "xqc").
  3. Use the /counter add command:
    • In your Discord server, use the /counter add command.
    • Select a channel that you want to use as the counter channel.
    • Specify the streamer you want to add as a counter.
  4. (Optional) Set a custom name:
    • If you want to customize the counter name, use the "name" option in the /counter add command.
    • To see available variables for your custom name, use the /variables command.
  5. You're done! The channel should update itself in the next few minutes.


Make sure the bot has the required permissions to edit the channel:

  • "View Channels"
  • "Manage Channels"
  • If it's a voice channel, also "Connect"